Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Who's That Knocking at My Door? (1969)

dir. Martin Scorsese
writ. Martin Scorsese
feat. Harvey Keitel, Zina Bethune

Scorsese got some dough to expand his student film of Keitel and the gang hanging around the city into a feature. They hired an actress and built a meandering romantic tale of a couple that meets waiting for the Staten Island ferry and talks about movies. It's really two longer shorts and one music video. Apparently, someone thought it might be worth distributing but wanted a scene where Keitel hooked up with a bunch of hotties while listening to The Doors song The End. Sure, why not. Looks like a rough gig for Keitel, mounted by a handful of sexy ladies.

The film stands as a curiosity and the original scenes of Keitel and his gang hint at bits of Mean Streets and even Goodfellas. The romance that develops in cramped spaces with Keitel quick to blow his stack seems a precursor to moments in Raging Bull. Check it out if you want to see Scorsese just begging to hone his skills.

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