Friday, August 29, 2008

American Teen (2008)

dir. Nanette Burstein

OK, how about nobody starts a documentary with stereotypical summations of who the characters are? Anyone with me? Can we at least agree that a documentary that shows intentions of exploring characters, putting them on display before an audience, ought to do so over the course of the film, allowing the audience to make their own determinations? I guess we can count Burstein out of that number.

This film starts tired and remains so, childishly poking around to pump up nonexistent drama, too cowardly to find it in the footage amidst natural behavior. I'd wager that there is a good film in that footage, but it doesn't include overplaying a father's suggestion that his boy will join the army if not for a basketball scholarship nor slipping in a family tragedy that happened well before the filming began, playing it for late emotional depth.

Shallow drivel for the MTV generation.

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