Friday, August 29, 2008

Reprise (2006)

dir. Joachim Trier
writ. Joachim Trier, Eskil Vogt
feat. Anders Danielsen Lie, Espen Klouman-Hoiner, Viktori Winge

This highly charged film showcases the challenges of young, ambitious artists. Phillip and Erik are buddies in Oslo who submit manuscripts for publication on the same day, egging each other on as they drop them in the post box. They both dream of possible futures, committed to their art and its possibilities. Reality sinks in when Phillip finds rapid success while Erik flounders, though life turns in strange directions and soon Phillip is recovering from a psychotic episode which may or may not have something to do with his success though certainly relates to obsessive behavior when it comes to his (now) ex-girlfriend.

The film brilliantly toys with relationships and dreams of success, questioning how one defines that success, and what commitment it takes to achieve or hold onto it. Must a man avoid committing to a good woman to avoid an ordinary life and thereby stoke creative thought? Do civilized dinner parties show the death of the spirit? Questions that arise as young people race forward into the world with creative hopes and dreams bubble up throughout the film, never simple or without risk, just as in real life, keeping the film and spirit fresh, and wonderfully rewarding.

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