Friday, August 29, 2008

Sleep Dealer (2008)

dir. Alex Rivera
writ. Alex Rivera, David Riker from a story by Alex Rivera
feat. Jacob Varga, Leonor Varela

God forbid this film becomes an "issue film" to be championed. This tired cliche-filled tramp through sci-fi territory manages to offer a few clever nuggets but without the story or storytelling skill to make an actual movie. The concept of Mexican laborers virtually manning construction machines in the US while still safely stationed south of the border is a good one, and if accompanied by a host of further ideas might play well in a film, but that's where Rivera gives up. With an easy Star Wars heist, our lead character sees his father killed for no great reason, though the fault of our lead nonetheless. Naturally, he leaves home to wander and eventually consider revenge.

I endured a panel discussion after the screening of this film where a bunch of folks who might not have seen a film in the past 20 years tried to claim it was groundbreaking in the realm of sci-fi. Anyone who has seen Star Wars, Blade Runner and The Matrix would say otherwise. I appreciate the change of locale and the notion of technology affecting the third world, and hope someone will be inspired to make a film that actually approaches those ideas.

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