Friday, September 26, 2008

Encounters at the End of the World (2007)

dir. Werner Herzog

Given his recent output, Herzog presents a surprisinglyl hands-off documentary, permitting his subjects, both the natural wonders of Antarctica and the people who inhabit that land, to illustrate life on the fringe. Perhaps the stunning imagery of divers, overhead ice floes, and luminescent sea life spoke more strongly and beautifully than even Werner could muster, making commentary detrimental to his purpose. Certainly, the often quiet folks living out at the edge of civilization don't need exaggeration or encouragement as they relate their reasons for being there even when seeming unsure of exactly how they landed so far afield.

The real accomplishment of the film lies in the way it displays the landscape, both above and below the ice, as a reflection of the consciousness of the people who live there- cool, deep and mysterious. It is as though the habitants naturally gravitated to the end of the world, drawn by a likeness in spirit.

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