Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Reader (2008)

dir. Stephen Daldry
writ. David Hare from book by Bernhard Schlink
feat. Ralph Fiennes, Kate Winslet, David Kross

Grow up, Mr. Berg. I'm sorry your first sexual experience scarred you so deeply, that you never recovered from your much older lover's sudden disappearance. And how harrowing it must have been to find out that she was a heartless Nazi guard. But wait, she was also illiterate. How woefully tragic. If only she was better educated, perhaps she wouldn't have murdered her prisoners.

But you seem to have it under control. Sure, send her books on tape to fill the void that has become your life. Yes, pretend that it's the road to recovery, that it will help you mend the relationship with your largely ignored and absent daughter. Why not. Something has to happen in your boring story, might as well fake some kind of unwarranted progress.

And while on the topic of things not earned, let's toss awards at a one-note performance devoid of dynamism or purpose. Why not. Hell, it is vaguely Holocaust related and she does the old and ugly makeup routine so challenging for attractive actresses.

Grow the fuck up America.

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