Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Red Balloon (Le Ballon rouge) (1956)

writ. and dir. Albert Lamorisse
feat. Pascal Lamorisse

The Red Balloon is a rare bit of magic, a short film without need for dialogue that illustrates the fantastic world of a child and his enchanted companion. The boy runs around Paris as though with his best playmate, the balloon alternately chasing, being chased, or joining him by his side. Lamorisse imbues the balloon with life and personality, making it playful, sneaky, coy and even brave. The playmates are inseparable, and their joy induces jealousy in the local young hooligans who can't stand to let them be. And tragedy befalls our dear balloon, but he will not be left to fall alone. The troops rally, and our boy is carried off like a hero in a breathtaking finale, the kind of the imagery that transforms movies into living dreams.

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