Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mills of the Gods (1934)

dir. Roy William Neill
writ. Garrett Fort (screenplay), Melville Baker & John S. Kirkland (story)
feat. May Robson, Fay Wray, Victor Jory, Raymond Walburn, James Blakely, Josephine Whittell

Mary Hastings (Robson) is the tough as nails aging mill president who simply won't let the workers go hungry. Alas, she doesn't control the family fortune shared by her layabout relatives. The family doesn't give a damn until Jean (Wray) falls for the workers' organizer Jim Devlin (Jory). What could pass for a simple depression-era everyman picture is buoyed by a spark struck between Wray and Jory while they hole up in the mountain cabin. Wray is radiant and enamored, plausibly falling for Jory as she discovers more of the man beneath the tough guy exterior. Somewhat surprisingly, class divisions are retained as the lovers dream of a future that they know won't work, thus avoiding a love conquers all conclusion amidst the other predictable moments.

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