Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Metropolitan (1990)

writ. and dir. Whit Stillman
feat. Carolyn Farina, Edward Clements, Chris Eigeman, Taylor Nichols, Alison Parisi, Dylan Hundley, Isabel Gillies

Did we really need another Molly Ringwald? Audrey (Farina) in Metropolitan feels lifted directly out of Sixteen Candles or Breakfast Club, complete with whining, insecure prattle about painful societal conventions. Except this time around, we lack the humor, and ignore that Audrey should be older and better adjusted. But to single out Audrey is unfair. All the characters in Metropolitan sound canned and half-witted, that kind of movie dialogue that feels read off the page, or the transcription of a conversation by a group of first-year philosophy majors, neither too bright nor too experienced. It's all so tiresome and mewling, the supposedly caustic friend (Eigeman) too often boring and agreeable in his sentiment to the critical viewer. These people seem both phony (as in written, not merely shallow) and dull, just about your worst combination of movie poison.

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