Sunday, January 31, 2010

Waltz with Bashir (Valta Im Bashir) (2008)

writ. and dir. Ari Folman
feat. Ron Ben-Yishai, Ronny Dayag, Ari Folman, Dror Harazi

Folman's gripping study of war and memories both forgotten and eternally haunting moves along at a deceptively calm pace. The simple animation style imbues the characters with hypnotic, almost languorous motion without resorting to cheap, unnecessary tricks - flashing cuts or blasts of sound - to underline the already harrowing battle scenes. Folman's quiet probing approach to interviewing unlocks the personal stories of his subjects, each revealing awkward, private moments from the battlefield. While the unique and varied accounts could seem disjointed, a collection of tales that don't share a narrative track, the repeated horror and the final surprising shots of the film converge powerfully to assert the pointlessness of war and the damage wreaked upon both civilians and soldiers.

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